SlashTHEM artifacts
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Below is a list of the artifacts in SlashTHEM as of 0.9.7.
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Item | Symbol | Base type | Alignment | Invoke | Role Artifact? | Notes |
Acid Brand | long sword | unaligned | Acid mage sacrifice gift? | +5 to-hit and deals acid damage; grants acid resistance while wielded | ||
Acidfall | athame | neutral | Acid mage sacrifice gift | +5 to-hit and +5 acid damage; grants acid resistance while wielded; renamed from Acidtester; from Splicehack | ||
Bat From Hell | baseball bat | chaotic | Rogue first sacrifice gift | +2 to-hit and +20 damage | ||
Beastmaster's Duster | leather jacket | neutral | petmaster | Zookeeper first sacrifice gift | grants protection while worn; from dNethack | |
Blackshroud | cloak of protection | neutral | Undertaker first sacrifice gift | grants drain resistance when and acts as luckstone when worn; grants warning while carried (?) | ||
Bugzapper | fly swatter | neutral | +3 to-hit and +10 shock damage | |||
Burned Moth Relay | relay | neutral | Protection while carried (i.e. +2 AC); not randomly generated | |||
Candle of Eternal Flame | magic candle | neutral | summon tame (greater) fire elemental | Flame mage quest artifact | grants cold resistance, warning, and teleport control while carried | |
Cat's Claw | dagger | neutral | +5 to-hit and +7 damage against rodents | |||
Clarent | short sword | lawful | leadership | Knight first sacrifice gift | +8 to hit and +2 damage against thick-skinned targets; functions as a luckstone. Appears in the Middle English poem Alliterative Morte Arthure as the second sword of King Arthur (after the better-known Excalibur). | |
Crown Royal Cloak | leather cloak | neutral | Drunk first sacrifice gift | grants protection and acid resistance while worn, functions as a luckstone while carried | ||
Crown of Saint Edward | helm of telepathy | lawful | Yeoman quest artifact | grants half spell damage and magic resistance while carried; intelligent; | ||
Cudgel of Cuthbert | ) | quarterstaff | neutral | bless | Paladin quest artifact | +5 to-hit and double damage against cross-aligned monsters; grants hallucination resistance and regeneration while wielded, drain resistance, warning and half spell damage while carried |
David's Sling | ) | sling | neutral | +5 to-hit; grants half physical damage while wielded. Will instantly kill any giant. | ||
Deathsword | two-handed sword | chaotic | +5 to-hit and +14 damage against humans | |||
Debugger | athame | neutral | Electric Mage first sacrifice gift | +5 to-hit and +5 shock damage; grants shock resistance while wielded. | ||
Deep Freeze | athame | neutral | Ice Mage first sacrifice gift | +5 to-hit and +5 cold damage; grants cold resistance while wielded. | ||
Deluder | cloak of displacement | neutral | Jedi first sacrifice gift | grants stealth and acts as a luckstone when worn. | ||
Deluxe Yendorian Knife | knife | neutral | sharpen | Chef quest artifact | +6 to-hit and +20 damage; ESP and acid resistance while carried, fire resistance while wielded | |
Diplomat | ornate mace | neutral | +10 to-hit and +25 damage against unique monsters. | |||
Dirge | short sword | chaotic | chaotic Knight first sacrifice gift | +5 to-hit and deals poison damage; grants poison resistance when wielded; intelligent - billed as the "chaotic counterpart to Clarent" | ||
Dirk | dagger | neutral | +5 to-hit and +5 damage | |||
Disrupter | mage | neutral | Priest first sacrifice gift | +5 to-hit, +30 damage against undead. | ||
Doomblade | orcish short sword | chaotic | Lunatic first sacrifice gift | +10 damage | ||
Elfrist | orcish spear | chaotic | +5 to-hit, +15 damage vs elves; can be #named | |||
Fire Chief Helmet | fire helmet | lawful | summon tame (greater) water elemental | Firefighter quest artifact | grants protection and warning while worn, in addition to base item's cold resistance, and half spell damage and half physical damage while carried; replaces Fire Brigade Reel | |
Firewall | athame | lawful | Flame Mage first sacrifice gift | +4 to-hit and +4 fire damage; grants fire resistance while wielded | ||
Flute of Slime | ( | magic flute | Neutral | summon a tame (greater) earth elemental | Acid Mage quest artifact | grants shock resistance, warning and teleport control while carried |
Frostbite | battle axe | lawful | Firefighter first sacrifice gift | +6 to-hit and +6 cold damage; grants cold resistance while wielded; renamed (?) from Icebiter. | ||
Full Metal Jacket | leather jacket | neutral | grants protection, hallucination resistance, and fire resistance while worn | |||
Fuma-itto no Ken | ) | broadsword (ninja-to) | chaotic | create shuriken | Ninja quest artifact | +8 to-hit and +8 damage. Grants drain resistance while carried; replaces Dragonclad Sword; from dNetHack. |
Fungisword | long sword | neutral | +10 to-hit and double damage against fungi; grants hallucination resistance when carried | |||
Gambler's Suit | expensive suit | unaligned | grants protection, luck and +3 additional charisma while worn | |||
Gauntlets of Defense | gauntlets of dexterity | neutral | toggle invisibility | half physical damage when worn | ||
Giantkiller | axe | neutral | +5 to-hit and double damage against giants. | |||
Gladius | short sword | neutral | Gladiator first sacrifice gift | +8 to-hit and +7 damage | ||
Golden Whistle of Nora | ( | magic whistle | neutral | taming | Zookeeper quest artifact | grants warning, half physical damage and telepathy while carried; replaces Liontamer |
Gourd of Infinity | ( | horn of plenty | neutral | charging | Drunk quest artifact | grants ESP, half physical damage, hallucination resistance and drain resistance while carried |
Graywand | two-handed sword | neutral | +3 to-hit and +6 cold damage | |||
Great Dagger of Glaurgnaa | great dagger | chaotic | energy boost | Necromancer quest artifact | +8 to-hit and +4 drain life damage against cross-aligned monsters, grants magic resist while carried; intelligent | |
Harp of Harmony | ( | magic harp | lawful | taming | Musician quest artifact | grants drain resistance, warning, and stealth while carried, speaks when used (cf. Master Key of Thievery) |
Harp of Lightning | ( | magic harp | Neutral | summon tame (greater) air elemental | Electric Mage quest artifact | grants acid resistance, warning and teleport control while carried |
Heartseeker | short sword | neutral | +3 to-hit and +3 damage; 10% chance of 4d6+4 extra damage | |||
Hellfire | crossbow | chaotic | +5 to-hit and +7 damage, grants fire resistance; ammo fired from launcher will explode for 2d6 fire damage on hit - ammo will be destroyed in the process | |||
Holy Spear of Light | silver spear | lawful | Undead Slayer first sacrifice gift? | +5 to-hit and +10 damage; intelligent, bonus damage vs undead; | ||
Hrunting | long sword | neutral | Warrior first sacrifice gift | +4 to-hit and +5 damage; named after a sword appearing in Beowulf | ||
Houchou | spoon | chaotic | guaranteed instakill on hit, item is destroyed | |||
Imperial Token | = | ring of aggravate monster | Neutral | leadership | Gladiator quest artifact | grants regeneration and fire resistance while worn, drain resistance while carried |
Iron Ball of Liberation | 0 | Heavy iron ball | Neutral | Convict quest artifact | grants stealth, searching, warning, and magic resistance | |
Itlachiayaque | shield of reflection | lawful | create a stinking cloud
(self targeted if not an Archeologist) |
Archeologist first sacrifice gift | confers fire resistance and half spell damage; from Aztec mythology - also present in dNetHack and recent versions of UnNetHack and xNetHack. | |
The Key Of Access | skeleton key | unaligned | branchport | not randomly generated | ||
Kiku-ichimonji | katana | lawful | Samurai first sacrifice gift | +4 to hit, +12 damage. From dNetHack, which in turn got it from the Final Fantasy series, which in turn come from the historical Kiku-ichimonji swords. | ||
The Lightsaber Prototype | ( | red lightsaber | Lawful | energy boost | Jedi quest artifact | +5 to-hit and +10 damage, grants reflection when carried |
Liontamer | bullwhip | lawful | +5 to-hit and +8 damage against felines, from NetHack--; was zookeeper quest artifact but is now not associated with any role | |||
Lockpick of Arsene Lupin | ( | lockpick | neutral | untrap doors and containers | Locksmith quest artifact | grants searching, telepathy, warning, stealth, and magic resistance; functions as a luckstone; Arsene Lupin is a fictional gentleman thief invented by writer Maurice Leblanc. |
Luckblade | short sword | neutral | future sacrifice gift for gnomes? | +5 to-hit and +5 damage; acts as a luckstone when carried | ||
Lyre of Orpheus | wooden harp | neutral | taming | Bard quest artifact | grants magic resistance while carried, tells rumors when used | |
Mantle of Heaven | [ | ornamental cope | Lawful | Noble quest artifact | grants half spell damage and shock resistance while worn, cold resistance while carried | |
Marauder's Map | scroll of magic mapping | chaotic | detect objects and artifacts | Pirate first sacrifice gift | clairvoyance when read (the scroll isn't used up) | |
Master Boot Disk | pack of floppies | neutral | trigger phasing | Geek quest artifact | grants reflection | |
Maui's Fishhook | ( | grappling hook | Chaotic | Diver quest artifact | grants half spell damage and warning of sea monsters, bonus against sea monsters. | |
Mirror Brand | silver long sword | neutral | +5 to-hit, double damage to cross-aligned monsters, with the special stun effects of Magicbane; grants reflection while wielded; from dNetHack. | |||
Mirrorbright | shield of reflection | neutral | Healer first sacrifice gift | grants hallucination resistance and reflection when worn. | ||
Mjollnir | heavy hammer | neutral | Valkyrie first sacrifice gift | +5 to-hit & +24 damage to non-shock-resistant monsters. Can be thrown with 25 strength, will return to Valkyrie when thrown. | ||
Mouser's Scalpel | rapier | neutral | +5 to-hit and +1 damage; 20% chance of one or several extra strikes | |||
Mumakbane | long sword | neutral | +5 to-hit and +60 fire damage against mumaks | |||
Musa-Shiya | hawaiian shirt | neutral | enlightenment | Musician gift | grants protection and hallucination resistance when worn | |
Nethack Sources | ( | pack of floppies | Neutral | identify | Hacker quest artifact | grants searching, telepathy, and regeneration |
Nighthorn | unicorn horn | lawful | grants reflection when wielded; dropped by Nightmare, not randomly generated | |||
Nightingale | katana | chaotic | toggle invisibility | Ninja first sacrifice gift | +2 to-hit and +3 damage, 10% chance of dealing +5d6 damage | |
Oathkeeper | stiletto | neutral | Locksmith first sacrifice gift | +7 to-hit and +9 damage | ||
Peacekeeper | pistol / club | lawful | Officer first sacrifice gift | +4 to-hit and +9 damage against cross-aligned monsters; generated as a club if firearms are disabled | ||
Pearl of Wisdom | = | ring of gain wisdom | Neutral | provides magic mapping | Korsair quest artifact | grants shock resistance and half physical damage while worn, magic resistance while carried |
Petslayer | club | chaotic | +5 to-hit and +10 damage against domestic animals | |||
Pick of the Grave | ( | pick-axe | neutral | bless | Undertaker quest artifact | +8 to-hit, +10 drain life damage; grants cold resistance, regeneration, half physical damage, and teleport control while wielded; replaces Black Death which is now a regular artifact |
Pickpocket's Gloves | gauntlets of dexterity | chaotic | gives stealth and searching while worn; increases the bonus for #borrowing by 20. | |||
Plague | dark elven bow | chaotic | +5 to-hit and +7 poison damage; automatically poisons fired ammo | |||
Poseidon's Treasure | trident | neutral | Diver first sacrifice gift | +10 to-hit and +10 shock damage | ||
Queen's Guard | rapier | lawful | Corsair first sacrifice gift | +6 to-hit and +6 damage | ||
Quick Blade | elven short sword | lawful | +9 to-hit and +2 damage | |||
Reaper | halberd | lawful | Yeoman gift | +5 to-hit and +20 damage. | ||
Reaver | scimitar | chaotic | Pirate crowning gift | +5 to-hit and +8 damage; intelligent; steals items | ||
Rod of Lordly Might | mace | lawful | lordly | Noble first sacrifice gift | +1d3 to-hit and double damage | |
Scales of the Dragon Lord | GDSM | chaotic | dragon breath | grants protection while worn; not randomly generated | ||
Serpent's Tongue | dagger | chaotic | Necromancer first sacrifice gift | +2 to-hit, grants stealth while wielded; 40% chance of +1d6+2, 30% chance of +2d6+4, 20% chance of +3d6+6, and 10% chance of +4d6+6 damage to non-poison resistant enemies - the 10% chance damage additionally has a 1 in 20 chance to instakill | ||
Shadowblade | ) | knife | chaotic | toggle invisibility | Convict first sacrifice gift | +5 to hit and +6 damage, grants stealth while wielded |
Shimmerstaff | silver capped staff | neutral | Bard first sacrifice gift | +8 to-hit and +5 damage | ||
Shock Brand | long sword | unaligned | +5 to-hit, double damage against monsters not resistant to shock damage; grants shock resistance while wielded | |||
Shocker | electric sword | neutral | Hacker first sacrifice gift | +3 to-hit and shock damage | ||
Silvershard | silver dagger | unaligned | +2 to-hit in addition to the normal bonuses vs silver-hating enemies | |||
Silverstar | silver mace | lawful | Paladin first sacrifice gift | +4 to-hit and +10 damage to all monsters in addition to the normal bonuses vs silver-hating enemies; grants drain resistance and reflection while wielded | ||
Skullcrusher | club | Lawful | cave(wo)men first sacrifice gift | +3 to-hit and +10 damage. | ||
Slow Blade | ) | orcish short sword | chaotic | +2 to-hit and +9 damage; the "opposite" of Quick Blade | ||
Soulthief | long sword | chaotic | +5 and +6 drain life damage, grants drain resistance | |||
Snakeskin | robe | neutral | grants extrinsic protection, hallucination resistance, and acid resistance while worn | |||
Spineseeker | stiletto | chaotic | +5 to-hit and +5 damage, with 20% chance of additional d5 damage and stunning target for d5 turns | |||
Staff of Withering | ) | quarterstaff | chaotic | energy boost | Lunatic quest artifact | +3 to-hit and +5 damage, plus +8 draining damage, versus cross-aligned monsters; grants cold resistance while carried; replaces Vampire Killer; from the Lycanthrope racial quest in early versions of SLASH'EM |
Stake of Van Helsing | wooden stake | lawful | Undead Slayer quest artifact | +5 to-hit and +12 damage, grants magic resistance while carried; intelligent; does +1d6+2 damage and has a 10% chance of instakill against vampire | ||
Straightshot | bow | neutral | Ranger first sacrifice gift | +10 to-hit and +3 damage | ||
Storm Whistle | magic whistle | lawful | summon tame (greater) water elemental | Ice mage quest artifact | grants fire resistance, warning, and teleport control while carried | |
Sword of Balance | silver short sword | neutral | +2 to-hit and +5 damage to cross-aligned monsters | |||
Sword of Justice | long sword | lawful | Yeoman first sacrifice gift | +5 to-hit and +12 damage to cross-aligned monsters. | ||
Sword of Svyatogor | ) | two-handed sword | lawful | toggle levitation | Warrior quest artifact | +7 to-hit and +9 damage; grants cold resistance while wielded, half physical damage and magic resistance while carried; Svyatogor is a character in the bylina (folk epic) of the Slavic hero Ilya Muromets. |
Tenderizer | mallet | neutral | Chef first sacrifice gift | +3 to-hit and +7 damage | ||
Tesla's Coat | lab coat | neutral | Geek gift | grants shock resistance while worn | ||
Thanatos | grain scythe | chaotic | +10 to-hit and +10 drain life damage; intelligent; not randomly generated; replacement for Black Death | |||
Thiefbane | long sword | chaotic | +5 to-hit, +1 drain life damage; 10% chance to behead | |||
Treasury of Proteus | ( | chest | Chaotic | Pirate quest artifact | grants magic resistance, blocks curses, polymorphs contents | |
Vampire Killer | bullwhip | lawful | bless | +10 to-hit and +20 damage against undead, demons, and werecreatures; grants drain resistance while wielded | ||
Vestment of Hell | [ | opera cloak | Chaotic | Noble quest artifact | grants half physical damage and acid resistance while worn, fire resistance while carried | |
Wallet of Perseus | bag of holding | unaligned | Reduces weight of items contained by even more than a normal bag of holding - to a minimum of 1/6th if blessed | |||
Wand of Might | wand of wishing | unaligned | A 0:3 wand of wishing with properties that protect it from breaking and being used by other monsters. The prize, at the castle. | |||
Warforger | heavy hammer | neutral | Generated on the Blacksmith. +15 to-hit and +15 damage, with a 20% chance of doing an additional 6d6 damage and destroying potions, scrolls, and spellbooks. Grants fire resistance while wielded. | |||
Whisperfeet | speed boots | neutral | Tourist gift | grants stealth and acts as a luckstone while worn | ||
Whistle of the Warden | ( | magic whistle | lawful | leadership | Officer quest artifact | grants telepathy, teleport control and drain resistance while carried; replaces Shiny Magnum |
Wormbiter | crysknife | neutral | +5 to-hit against worms | |||
Yoichi no yumi | yumi | lawful | create ammo | grants +20 to hit; from dNetHack that got it from Final Fantasy series (spelled there Yoichinoyumi) |
See also
From "include/artilist.h" in SlashTHEM source.