SlashTHEM artifacts

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Below is a list of the artifacts in SlashTHEM as of 0.9.7.

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Item Symbol Base type Alignment Invoke Role Artifact? Notes
Acid Brand long sword unaligned Acid mage sacrifice gift? +5 to-hit and deals acid damage; grants acid resistance while wielded
Acidfall athame neutral Acid mage sacrifice gift +5 to-hit and +5 acid damage; grants acid resistance while wielded; renamed from Acidtester; from Splicehack
Bat From Hell baseball bat chaotic Rogue first sacrifice gift +2 to-hit and +20 damage
Beastmaster's Duster leather jacket neutral petmaster Zookeeper first sacrifice gift grants protection while worn; from dNethack
Blackshroud cloak of protection neutral Undertaker first sacrifice gift grants drain resistance when and acts as luckstone when worn; grants warning while carried (?)
Bugzapper fly swatter neutral +3 to-hit and +10 shock damage
Burned Moth Relay relay neutral Protection while carried (i.e. +2 AC); not randomly generated
Candle of Eternal Flame magic candle neutral summon tame (greater) fire elemental Flame mage quest artifact grants cold resistance, warning, and teleport control while carried
Cat's Claw dagger neutral +5 to-hit and +7 damage against rodents
Clarent short sword lawful leadership Knight first sacrifice gift +8 to hit and +2 damage against thick-skinned targets; functions as a luckstone. Appears in the Middle English poem Alliterative Morte Arthure as the second sword of King Arthur (after the better-known Excalibur).
Crown Royal Cloak leather cloak neutral Drunk first sacrifice gift grants protection and acid resistance while worn, functions as a luckstone while carried
Crown of Saint Edward helm of telepathy lawful Yeoman quest artifact grants half spell damage and magic resistance while carried; intelligent;
Cudgel of Cuthbert ) quarterstaff neutral bless Paladin quest artifact +5 to-hit and double damage against cross-aligned monsters; grants hallucination resistance and regeneration while wielded, drain resistance, warning and half spell damage while carried
David's Sling ) sling neutral +5 to-hit; grants half physical damage while wielded. Will instantly kill any giant.
Deathsword two-handed sword chaotic +5 to-hit and +14 damage against humans
Debugger athame neutral Electric Mage first sacrifice gift +5 to-hit and +5 shock damage; grants shock resistance while wielded.
Deep Freeze athame neutral Ice Mage first sacrifice gift +5 to-hit and +5 cold damage; grants cold resistance while wielded.
Deluder cloak of displacement neutral Jedi first sacrifice gift grants stealth and acts as a luckstone when worn.
Deluxe Yendorian Knife knife neutral sharpen Chef quest artifact +6 to-hit and +20 damage; ESP and acid resistance while carried, fire resistance while wielded
Diplomat ornate mace neutral +10 to-hit and +25 damage against unique monsters.
Dirge short sword chaotic chaotic Knight first sacrifice gift +5 to-hit and deals poison damage; grants poison resistance when wielded; intelligent - billed as the "chaotic counterpart to Clarent"
Dirk dagger neutral +5 to-hit and +5 damage
Disrupter mage neutral Priest first sacrifice gift +5 to-hit, +30 damage against undead.
Doomblade orcish short sword chaotic Lunatic first sacrifice gift +10 damage
Elfrist orcish spear chaotic +5 to-hit, +15 damage vs elves; can be #named
Fire Chief Helmet fire helmet lawful summon tame (greater) water elemental Firefighter quest artifact grants protection and warning while worn, in addition to base item's cold resistance, and half spell damage and half physical damage while carried; replaces Fire Brigade Reel
Firewall athame lawful Flame Mage first sacrifice gift +4 to-hit and +4 fire damage; grants fire resistance while wielded
Flute of Slime ( magic flute Neutral summon a tame (greater) earth elemental Acid Mage quest artifact grants shock resistance, warning and teleport control while carried
Frostbite battle axe lawful Firefighter first sacrifice gift +6 to-hit and +6 cold damage; grants cold resistance while wielded; renamed (?) from Icebiter.
Full Metal Jacket leather jacket neutral grants protection, hallucination resistance, and fire resistance while worn
Fuma-itto no Ken ) broadsword (ninja-to) chaotic create shuriken Ninja quest artifact +8 to-hit and +8 damage. Grants drain resistance while carried; replaces Dragonclad Sword; from dNetHack.
Fungisword long sword neutral +10 to-hit and double damage against fungi; grants hallucination resistance when carried
Gambler's Suit expensive suit unaligned grants protection, luck and +3 additional charisma while worn
Gauntlets of Defense gauntlets of dexterity neutral toggle invisibility half physical damage when worn
Giantkiller axe neutral +5 to-hit and double damage against giants.
Gladius short sword neutral Gladiator first sacrifice gift +8 to-hit and +7 damage
Golden Whistle of Nora ( magic whistle neutral taming Zookeeper quest artifact grants warning, half physical damage and telepathy while carried; replaces Liontamer
Gourd of Infinity ( horn of plenty neutral charging Drunk quest artifact grants ESP, half physical damage, hallucination resistance and drain resistance while carried
Graywand two-handed sword neutral +3 to-hit and +6 cold damage
Great Dagger of Glaurgnaa great dagger chaotic energy boost Necromancer quest artifact +8 to-hit and +4 drain life damage against cross-aligned monsters, grants magic resist while carried; intelligent
Harp of Harmony ( magic harp lawful taming Musician quest artifact grants drain resistance, warning, and stealth while carried, speaks when used (cf. Master Key of Thievery)
Harp of Lightning ( magic harp Neutral summon tame (greater) air elemental Electric Mage quest artifact grants acid resistance, warning and teleport control while carried
Heartseeker short sword neutral +3 to-hit and +3 damage; 10% chance of 4d6+4 extra damage
Hellfire crossbow chaotic +5 to-hit and +7 damage, grants fire resistance; ammo fired from launcher will explode for 2d6 fire damage on hit - ammo will be destroyed in the process
Holy Spear of Light silver spear lawful Undead Slayer first sacrifice gift? +5 to-hit and +10 damage; intelligent, bonus damage vs undead;
Hrunting long sword neutral Warrior first sacrifice gift +4 to-hit and +5 damage; named after a sword appearing in Beowulf
Houchou spoon chaotic guaranteed instakill on hit, item is destroyed
Imperial Token = ring of aggravate monster Neutral leadership Gladiator quest artifact grants regeneration and fire resistance while worn, drain resistance while carried
Iron Ball of Liberation 0 Heavy iron ball Neutral Convict quest artifact grants stealth, searching, warning, and magic resistance
Itlachiayaque shield of reflection lawful create a stinking cloud

(self targeted if not an Archeologist)

Archeologist first sacrifice gift confers fire resistance and half spell damage; from Aztec mythology - also present in dNetHack and recent versions of UnNetHack and xNetHack.
The Key Of Access skeleton key unaligned branchport not randomly generated
Kiku-ichimonji katana lawful Samurai first sacrifice gift +4 to hit, +12 damage. From dNetHack, which in turn got it from the Final Fantasy series, which in turn come from the historical Kiku-ichimonji swords.
The Lightsaber Prototype ( red lightsaber Lawful energy boost Jedi quest artifact +5 to-hit and +10 damage, grants reflection when carried
Liontamer bullwhip lawful +5 to-hit and +8 damage against felines, from NetHack--; was zookeeper quest artifact but is now not associated with any role
Lockpick of Arsene Lupin ( lockpick neutral untrap doors and containers Locksmith quest artifact grants searching, telepathy, warning, stealth, and magic resistance; functions as a luckstone; Arsene Lupin is a fictional gentleman thief invented by writer Maurice Leblanc.
Luckblade short sword neutral future sacrifice gift for gnomes? +5 to-hit and +5 damage; acts as a luckstone when carried
Lyre of Orpheus wooden harp neutral taming Bard quest artifact grants magic resistance while carried, tells rumors when used
Mantle of Heaven [ ornamental cope Lawful Noble quest artifact grants half spell damage and shock resistance while worn, cold resistance while carried
Marauder's Map scroll of magic mapping chaotic detect objects and artifacts Pirate first sacrifice gift clairvoyance when read (the scroll isn't used up)
Master Boot Disk pack of floppies neutral trigger phasing Geek quest artifact grants reflection
Maui's Fishhook ( grappling hook Chaotic Diver quest artifact grants half spell damage and warning of sea monsters, bonus against sea monsters.
Mirror Brand silver long sword neutral +5 to-hit, double damage to cross-aligned monsters, with the special stun effects of Magicbane; grants reflection while wielded; from dNetHack.
Mirrorbright shield of reflection neutral Healer first sacrifice gift grants hallucination resistance and reflection when worn.
Mjollnir heavy hammer neutral Valkyrie first sacrifice gift +5 to-hit & +24 damage to non-shock-resistant monsters. Can be thrown with 25 strength, will return to Valkyrie when thrown.
Mouser's Scalpel rapier neutral +5 to-hit and +1 damage; 20% chance of one or several extra strikes
Mumakbane long sword neutral +5 to-hit and +60 fire damage against mumaks
Musa-Shiya hawaiian shirt neutral enlightenment Musician gift grants protection and hallucination resistance when worn
Nethack Sources ( pack of floppies Neutral identify Hacker quest artifact grants searching, telepathy, and regeneration
Nighthorn unicorn horn lawful grants reflection when wielded; dropped by Nightmare, not randomly generated
Nightingale katana chaotic toggle invisibility Ninja first sacrifice gift +2 to-hit and +3 damage, 10% chance of dealing +5d6 damage
Oathkeeper stiletto neutral Locksmith first sacrifice gift +7 to-hit and +9 damage
Peacekeeper pistol / club lawful Officer first sacrifice gift +4 to-hit and +9 damage against cross-aligned monsters; generated as a club if firearms are disabled
Pearl of Wisdom = ring of gain wisdom Neutral provides magic mapping Korsair quest artifact grants shock resistance and half physical damage while worn, magic resistance while carried
Petslayer club chaotic +5 to-hit and +10 damage against domestic animals
Pick of the Grave ( pick-axe neutral bless Undertaker quest artifact +8 to-hit, +10 drain life damage; grants cold resistance, regeneration, half physical damage, and teleport control while wielded; replaces Black Death which is now a regular artifact
Pickpocket's Gloves gauntlets of dexterity chaotic gives stealth and searching while worn; increases the bonus for #borrowing by 20.
Plague dark elven bow chaotic +5 to-hit and +7 poison damage; automatically poisons fired ammo
Poseidon's Treasure trident neutral Diver first sacrifice gift +10 to-hit and +10 shock damage
Queen's Guard rapier lawful Corsair first sacrifice gift +6 to-hit and +6 damage
Quick Blade elven short sword lawful +9 to-hit and +2 damage
Reaper halberd lawful Yeoman gift +5 to-hit and +20 damage.
Reaver scimitar chaotic Pirate crowning gift +5 to-hit and +8 damage; intelligent; steals items
Rod of Lordly Might mace lawful lordly Noble first sacrifice gift +1d3 to-hit and double damage
Scales of the Dragon Lord GDSM chaotic dragon breath grants protection while worn; not randomly generated
Serpent's Tongue dagger chaotic Necromancer first sacrifice gift +2 to-hit, grants stealth while wielded; 40% chance of +1d6+2, 30% chance of +2d6+4, 20% chance of +3d6+6, and 10% chance of +4d6+6 damage to non-poison resistant enemies - the 10% chance damage additionally has a 1 in 20 chance to instakill
Shadowblade ) knife chaotic toggle invisibility Convict first sacrifice gift +5 to hit and +6 damage, grants stealth while wielded
Shimmerstaff silver capped staff neutral Bard first sacrifice gift +8 to-hit and +5 damage
Shock Brand long sword unaligned +5 to-hit, double damage against monsters not resistant to shock damage; grants shock resistance while wielded
Shocker electric sword neutral Hacker first sacrifice gift +3 to-hit and shock damage
Silvershard silver dagger unaligned +2 to-hit in addition to the normal bonuses vs silver-hating enemies
Silverstar silver mace lawful Paladin first sacrifice gift +4 to-hit and +10 damage to all monsters in addition to the normal bonuses vs silver-hating enemies; grants drain resistance and reflection while wielded
Skullcrusher club Lawful cave(wo)men first sacrifice gift +3 to-hit and +10 damage.
Slow Blade ) orcish short sword chaotic +2 to-hit and +9 damage; the "opposite" of Quick Blade
Soulthief long sword chaotic +5 and +6 drain life damage, grants drain resistance
Snakeskin robe neutral grants extrinsic protection, hallucination resistance, and acid resistance while worn
Spineseeker stiletto chaotic +5 to-hit and +5 damage, with 20% chance of additional d5 damage and stunning target for d5 turns
Staff of Withering ) quarterstaff chaotic energy boost Lunatic quest artifact +3 to-hit and +5 damage, plus +8 draining damage, versus cross-aligned monsters; grants cold resistance while carried; replaces Vampire Killer; from the Lycanthrope racial quest in early versions of SLASH'EM
Stake of Van Helsing wooden stake lawful Undead Slayer quest artifact +5 to-hit and +12 damage, grants magic resistance while carried; intelligent; does +1d6+2 damage and has a 10% chance of instakill against vampire
Straightshot bow neutral Ranger first sacrifice gift +10 to-hit and +3 damage
Storm Whistle magic whistle lawful summon tame (greater) water elemental Ice mage quest artifact grants fire resistance, warning, and teleport control while carried
Sword of Balance silver short sword neutral +2 to-hit and +5 damage to cross-aligned monsters
Sword of Justice long sword lawful Yeoman first sacrifice gift +5 to-hit and +12 damage to cross-aligned monsters.
Sword of Svyatogor ) two-handed sword lawful toggle levitation Warrior quest artifact +7 to-hit and +9 damage; grants cold resistance while wielded, half physical damage and magic resistance while carried; Svyatogor is a character in the bylina (folk epic) of the Slavic hero Ilya Muromets.
Tenderizer mallet neutral Chef first sacrifice gift +3 to-hit and +7 damage
Tesla's Coat lab coat neutral Geek gift grants shock resistance while worn
Thanatos grain scythe chaotic +10 to-hit and +10 drain life damage; intelligent; not randomly generated; replacement for Black Death
Thiefbane long sword chaotic +5 to-hit, +1 drain life damage; 10% chance to behead
Treasury of Proteus ( chest Chaotic Pirate quest artifact grants magic resistance, blocks curses, polymorphs contents
Vampire Killer bullwhip lawful bless +10 to-hit and +20 damage against undead, demons, and werecreatures; grants drain resistance while wielded
Vestment of Hell [ opera cloak Chaotic Noble quest artifact grants half physical damage and acid resistance while worn, fire resistance while carried
Wallet of Perseus bag of holding unaligned Reduces weight of items contained by even more than a normal bag of holding - to a minimum of 1/6th if blessed
Wand of Might wand of wishing unaligned A 0:3 wand of wishing with properties that protect it from breaking and being used by other monsters. The prize, at the castle.
Warforger heavy hammer neutral Generated on the Blacksmith. +15 to-hit and +15 damage, with a 20% chance of doing an additional 6d6 damage and destroying potions, scrolls, and spellbooks. Grants fire resistance while wielded.
Whisperfeet speed boots neutral Tourist gift grants stealth and acts as a luckstone while worn
Whistle of the Warden ( magic whistle lawful leadership Officer quest artifact grants telepathy, teleport control and drain resistance while carried; replaces Shiny Magnum
Wormbiter crysknife neutral +5 to-hit against worms
Yoichi no yumi yumi lawful create ammo grants +20 to hit; from dNetHack that got it from Final Fantasy series (spelled there Yoichinoyumi)

See also


From "include/artilist.h" in SlashTHEM source.