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(Availability: rescue RGRN links)
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'''NetHack-- 3.1.3''' is a [[variant]] of [[NetHack 3.1.3]], significant as an ancestor of [[SLASH'EM]].  Chris Herborth ported the changes from [[NetHack-- 3.0.10]] and published the patch in August 1993.
'''NetHack-- 3.1.3''' is a [[variant]] of [[NetHack 3.1.3]], significant as an ancestor of [[SLASH'EM]].  Chris Herborth ported the changes from [[NetHack-- 3.0.10]] and published the patch in August 1993.
== Availability ==
The original Usenet postings are available on Google Groups:
The original Usenet postings are available on Google Groups:
* [http://groups.google.com/forum/message/raw?msg=rec.games.hack/S4rmQdHdchY/PjsIB4STiOUJ Part 1]
* [https://groups.google.com/g/rec.games.hack/c/S4rmQdHdchY/m/PjsIB4STiOUJ Part 1]
* [http://groups.google.com/forum/message/raw?msg=rec.games.hack/cnfVZcYjz5A/C2iWhiKD4WwJ Part 2]
* [https://groups.google.com/g/rec.games.hack/c/cnfVZcYjz5A/m/C2iWhiKD4WwJ Part 2]
* [http://groups.google.com/forum/message/raw?msg=rec.games.hack/o2iIc6o5rE0/EbYceXrhB0kJ Part 3]
* [https://groups.google.com/g/rec.games.hack/c/o2iIc6o5rE0/m/EbYceXrhB0kJ Part 3]
These are shell archives bearing a patch to [[NetHack 3.1.3]].
These are shell archives bearing a patch to [[NetHack 3.1.3]].

Revision as of 09:14, 16 April 2024

NetHack-- 3.1.3 is a variant of NetHack 3.1.3, significant as an ancestor of SLASH'EM. Chris Herborth ported the changes from NetHack-- 3.0.10 and published the patch in August 1993.


The original Usenet postings are available on Google Groups:

These are shell archives bearing a patch to NetHack 3.1.3.

Significant changes

NetHack-- 3.1.3 adds new monsters, items, and dungeon features to NetHack 3.1.3. The extra roles that were available in NetHack-- 3.0.10 were not carried over, to avoid having to create new Quests for them.

The adventurer

The player may choose from these roles:

Role Alignment
Archeologist Lawful
Barbarian Neutral
Cave(wo)man Lawful
Elf Chaotic
Healer Neutral
Knight Lawful
Priest(ess) Random
Rogue Chaotic
Samurai Lawful
Tourist Neutral
Valkyrie Neutral
Wizard Neutral

NetHack-- 3.0.10 had provided nine new roles, but these were not carried over, because it would have been necessary to create new Quests.

All classes permit male and female adventurers, except the Valkyrie which must be female.

The adventurer has experience, hit points, magical energy, armor class, alignment, and the six major attributes. He may advance to experience level 30.

The initial pet is a little dog for Cavemen and Samurai, a kitten for Wizards, and a random choice of the two (or the user's choice in his options) for all others.

Dungeon features

The main trunk of the dungeon begins at level 1, where the game begins, and proceeds down stairs to Medusa's Lair and the Castle. From there, it is necessary to enter a trap door to the Valley of the Dead. Further stairs down eventually lead to the invocation level. Performing the invocation ritual at the vibrating square opens the stairs to the Sanctum.

With the Amulet of Yendor in hand, the adventurer may ascend from level 1 into the Plane of Earth; thence s/he may proceed through magic portals to the planes of Air, Fire, and Water, and thence to the Astral Plane. Offering the Amulet of Yendor on the correct high altar wins the game.

Along the way, one will encounter these branches and special levels:

To win the game, it is necessary to complete these tasks:

  • Escape from the dungeon.

Special rooms, new additions to NetHack 3.1.3 noted in boldface, are:

Special dungeon features are: (all are present in NetHack 3.1.3)

Traps are: (all are present in NetHack 3.1.3)

A wand of wishing is guaranteed in the Castle, in its modern position, and protected by Elbereth, but not tucked inside a chest.


Monsters added to NetHack 3.1.3 are noted in boldface. Those that were not present in NetHack-- 3.0.10 are indicated in the notes.

The following monsters may be encountered:

Name Symbol Notes
giant ant a
killer bee a
soldier ant a
fire ant a
snow ant a
black ant a Not in SLASH 6
giant beetle a
queen bee a
queen ant a Not in SLASH 6
yellow jacket a
killer beetle a
giant wasp a a in NetHack-- 3.0.10
black wasp a
the King Bee a Not in SLASH 6
acid blob b
red blob b Not in SLASH 6
white blob b Not in SLASH 6
blue blob b Not in SLASH 6
quivering blob b
gelatinous cube b
poisonous blob b b in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
gigantic blob b b in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
The Blob b b in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
cockatrice c
chickatrice c c in NetHack-- 3.0.10
jackal d
dingo d d in NetHack-- 3.0.10
coyote d New in NetHack-- 3.1.3
werejackal @/d
little dog d
dog d
large dog d
wolf d
werewolf @/d
warg d
winter wolf d
pit bull d d in NetHack-- 3.0.10
Wile E. Coyote d Only in NetHack-- 3.1.3
hell hound pup d
hell hound d
floating eye e
burning eye e Not in SLASH 6
glowing eye e e in NetHack-- 3.0.10
freezing sphere e
flaming sphere e
bloodshot eye e e in NetHack-- 3.0.10
blinking eye e e in NetHack-- 3.0.10
beholder e
kitten f
housecat f
jaguar f
large cat f
leopard f f in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
panther f
tiger f
saber-toothed cat f
hellcat f f in NetHack-- 3.0.10
Rexfelis f f in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
gremlin g
gremlin leader g g in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
hobbit h
hobbit thief h Not in SLASH 6
hobbit bandit h Not in SLASH 6
Bilbo h Not in SLASH 6
dwarf h
bugbear h
huge bugbear h Not in SLASH 6
bugbear chieftain h h in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
dwarven thief h
dwarf lord h
duergar h h in NetHack-- 3.0.10
dwarf king h
mind flayer h
manes i
homunculus i
imp i
lemure i
dretch i i in NetHack-- 3.0.10
quasit i
rutterkin i i in NetHack-- 3.0.10
tengu i
blue jelly j
red jelly j
spotted jelly j
ochre jelly j
The Jelly That Ate Cleveland j Not in SLASH 6
kobold k
large kobold k
kobold lord k
kobold shaman k
kobold cheiftan [sic] k Was spelled correctly in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
Kroo the Kobold King k
Krooella the Kobold Queen k Not in SLASH 6
leprechaun l
leprechaun elder l Not in SLASH 6
O'Brien l "Croesus" in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
small mimic m
large mimic m
giant mimic m
wood nymph n
water nymph n
mountain nymph n
Aphrodite n
goblin o
hobgoblin o
goblin thief o Not in SLASH 6
orc o No longer appears at random
goblin shaman o Not in SLASH 6
hill orc o
Mordor orc o
Uruk-hai o
orc shaman o
orc-captain o
Grund the Orc King o
rock piercer p
iron piercer p
glass piercer p p in NetHack-- 3.0.10
rothe q
mumak q
Jumbo the Elephant q
scramper q q in NetHack-- 3.0.10
mangler q q in NetHack-- 3.0.10
berator q q in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
leocrotta q
wumpus q
bogwumpus q q in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
titanothere q
baluchitherium q
rabbit r New in NetHack-- 3.1.3
sewer rat r
black rat r
giant rat r
rabid rat r
wererat @/r
rock mole r
killer rabbit r Only in NetHack-- 3.1.3
hellrat r
vampire bunny r Only in NetHack-- 3.1.3
Energizer Bunny r Only in NetHack-- 3.1.3
Bugs Bunny r Only in NetHack-- 3.1.3
cave spider s
recluse spider s s in NetHack-- 3.0.10
giant spider s
scorpion s
giant scorpion s s in NetHack-- 3.0.10
Girtab s s in NetHack-- 3.0.10
lurker above t
trapper t
white unicorn u
gray unicorn u
black unicorn u
nightmare u Name is not a proper name
fog cloud v
dust vortex v
ice vortex v
energy vortex v
steam vortex v
fire vortex v
maggot w
rot worm w w in NetHack-- 3.0.10
acid worm w w in NetHack-- 3.0.10
tunnel worm w w in NetHack-- 3.0.10
baby long worm w
baby purple worm w
long worm w
purple worm w
grid bug x
arc bug x x in NetHack-- 3.0.10
spark bug x x in NetHack-- 3.0.10
lightning bug x x in NetHack-- 3.0.10
xan x
yellow light y
zruty z
couatl A
Aleax A
Angel A
ki-rin A See below
Archon A
bat B
rhumbat B B in NetHack-- 3.0.10
giant bat B
mongbat B B in NetHack-- 3.0.10
vampire bat B
hellbat B
plains centaur C
forest centaur C
mountain centaur C
centaur shaman C C in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
centaur chieftan [sic] C C and "centaur prince" in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
Silva the Centaur King C Not in SLASH 6
baby gray dragon D
baby red dragon D
baby white dragon D
baby orange dragon D
baby black dragon D
baby blue dragon D
baby green dragon D
baby yellow dragon D
gray dragon D
red dragon D
white dragon D
orange dragon D
black dragon D
blue dragon D
green dragon D
yellow dragon D
undead dragon D D in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
Tiamat D Has different attacks from the Chromatic Dragon; not in SLASH 6
air elemental E
fire elemental E
earth elemental E
water elemental E
brown mold F
yellow mold F
green mold F
red mold F
shrieker F
violet fungus F
black mold F
disgusting mold F F in NetHack-- 3.0.10
creeping mold F F in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
gnome G
gnome thief G
gnome lord G
gnomish wizard G
gnome king G
giant H No longer appears at random
stone giant H
hill giant H
fire giant H
frost giant H
ettin H
large giant H H in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
titan H
minotaur H
stalker I
jabberwock J
Keystone Kop K If KOPS defined at compile time
Kop Sergeant K If KOPS defined at compile time
Kop Lieutenant K If KOPS defined at compile time
Kop Kaptain K If KOPS defined at compile time
Kop Kommissioner K If KOPS defined at compile time; not in SLASH 6
lich L
demilich L
master lich L
kobold mummy M
gnome mummy M
orc mummy M
elf mummy M
human mummy M
ettin mummy M
giant mummy M
The Mummy M M in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
red naga hatchling N
black naga hatchling N
blue naga hatchling N ; not in SLASH 6
golden naga hatchling N
guardian naga hatchling N
red naga N
blue naga N ; not in SLASH 6
black naga N
golden naga N
guardian naga N
ogre O
ogre lord O
ogre magi O Only in NetHack-- 3.1.3
ogre king O
gray ooze P
brown pudding P
black pudding P
tapioca pudding P "tapicoa pudding" in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
quantum mechanic Q
auto mechanic Q Q in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
rust monster R
giant rust monster R Not in SLASH 6
garter snake S
snake S
water moccasin S
asp S S in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
asphyx S S and "asphinx" in NetHack-- 3.0.10
pit viper S
python S
cobra S
troll T
ice troll T
rock troll T
black troll T
water troll T
Olog-hai T
umber hulk U
hulk U U in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
The Incredible Hulk U Not in SLASH 6
vampire V
vampire lord V
Vlad the Impaler V
barrow wight W
wraith W
Nazgul W
xorn X
ape Y
owlbear Y
yeti Y
Yuval Y Y in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
carnivorous ape Y
sasquatch Y
cave ape Y A in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
J.R. `Bob' Dobbs Y Only in NetHack-- 3.1.3
kobold zombie Z
gnome zombie Z
orc zombie Z
elf zombie Z
human zombie Z
ghoul Z New in NetHack-- 3.1.3
ghast Z New in NetHack-- 3.1.3
ettin zombie Z
juju zombi Z Only in NetHack-- 3.1.3
giant zombie Z
skeleton Z
straw golem '
rope golem '
leather golem '
wood golem '
flesh golem '
clay golem '
stone golem '
iron golem '
mist golem ' ' in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
human @
Woodland-elf @
Green-elf @
Grey-elf @
elf-lord @
elven mage @ Only in NetHack-- 3.1.3
elven priest @ Only in NetHack-- 3.1.3
Elvenking @
bandit @ @ in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
evil mage @ @ in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
evil priest @ @ in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
nurse @
shopkeeper @
guard @
oracle @
aligned priest @
high priest @
unarmored watchman @ If MUSE not defined at compile time (not in default build)
unarmored soldier @ If ARMY defined and MUSE not defined at compile time (not in default build)
soldier @ If ARMY defined at compile time
sergeant @ If ARMY defined at compile time
lieutenant @ If ARMY defined at compile time
captain @ If ARMY defined at compile time
general @ @ in NetHack-- 3.0.10; If ARMY defined at compile time; not in SLASH 6
watchman @
watch captain @
Morgan La Fay @ @ and "Morgan Le Fey" in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
Tom @ @ in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
Butch @ @ in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
Mordred @ @ in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
Medusa @
Wizard of Yendor @
Croesus @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
water demon &
horned devil &
succubus &
incubus &
erinyes &
barbed devil &
marilith &
vrock &
bearded devil & & in NetHack-- 3.0.10
hezrou &
bone devil &
demon & See below; not in SLASH 6
ice devil &
nalfeshnee &
nycademon & Not in SLASH 6
pit fiend &
balrog &
Juiblex &
Yeenoghu & Has the touch-of-death bug
Orcus &
Geryon &
Dispater &
Baalzebub &
Asmodeus &
Demogorgon &
Death &
Pestilence &
Famine &
mail daemon & If MAIL defined at compile time
djinni &
efreeti &
marid & & in NetHack-- 3.0.10
dao & & in NetHack-- 3.0.10
giant eel ;
electric eel ;
shark ; ; in NetHack-- 3.0.10
kraken ;
newt :
gecko :
iguana :
baby crocodile :
lizard :
salamander : New in NetHack-- 3.1.3
basilisk : : in NetHack-- 3.0.10
chameleon :
crocodile :
Barney : Only in NetHack-- 3.1.3
giant chameleon : Not in SLASH 6
tyrannosaur : Not in SLASH 6
Godzilla : Only in NetHack-- 3.1.3
archeologist @
barbarian @
caveman @
cavewoman @
elf @
healer @
knight @
priest @
priestess @
rogue @
samurai @
tourist @ If TOURIST defined at compile time
valkyrie @
wizard @
Lord Carnarvon @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
Pelias @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
Shaman Karnov @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
Earendil @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
Elwing @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
Hippocrates @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
King Arthur @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
Arch Priest @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
Master of Thieves @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
Lord Sato @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
Twoflower @ If MULDGN and TOURIST defined at compile time
Norn @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
Wizard of Balance @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
Minion of Huhetol & If MULDGN defined at compile time
Thoth Amon @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
Chromatic Dragon D If MULDGN defined at compile time
Goblin King o If MULDGN defined at compile time
Cyclops H If MULDGN defined at compile time
Ixoth D If MULDGN defined at compile time
Nalzok & If MULDGN defined at compile time
Master Assassin @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
Ashikaga Takauji @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
Lord Surtur H If MULDGN defined at compile time
Dark One @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
student @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
chieftain @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
neanderthal @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
High-elf @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
attendant @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
page @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
acolyte @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
thug @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
ninja @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
ronin @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
guide @ If MULDGN and TOURIST defined at compile time
warrior @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
apprentice @ If MULDGN defined at compile time
killer food ration % % in NetHack-- 3.0.10
killer tripe ration %
killer tomato % Not in SLASH 6
ravenous cream pie % Not in SLASH 6
goldbug $ Only in NetHack-- 3.1.3
pile of silver coins $ $ in NetHack-- 3.0.10; not in SLASH 6
gold mimic $
pile of creeping gold coins $
pile of killer gold coins $

Monsters removed were the nine added roles, plus Berthold the Gnome King, Bigfoot, and Cerberus.

The gnome king had been called "gnome prince" in NetHack-- 3.0.10. Here it becomes "gnome king" again.

The ki-rin was present in NetHack-- 3.0.10 with appearance u. It was added to NetHack 3.1.0 as A and becomes such here.

The plain demon was present in NetHack-- 3.0.10 and NetHack 3.0.10 only when the INFERNO option was turned off. This option was removed and the different demons made unconditional in NetHack 3.1.0. The plain demon is added back here.


Objects not present in NetHack 3.1.3 are indicated in boldface. Those that were not present in NetHack-- 3.0.10 are indicated in the notes.


Artifacts in NetHack-- 3.1.3 are:

Name Object Alignment Role Notes
Excalibur long sword Lawful Knight
Stormbringer runesword Chaotic  
Mjollnir war hammer Neutral Valkyrie
Cleaver battle-axe Neutral Barbarian
Grimtooth orcish dagger Chaotic  
Orcrist elven broadsword Chaotic Elf User-nameable; formerly lawful
Sting elven dagger Chaotic   User-nameable
Magicbane athame Neutral Wizard
Frost Brand long sword Neutral  
Fire Brand long sword Neutral  
Dragonbane broadsword Neutral  
Demonbane long sword Lawful  
Werebane silver saber Lawful  
Grayswandir silver saber Lawful  
Giantslayer long sword Neutral  
Ogresmasher war hammer Lawful  
Trollsbane morning star Chaotic   Formerly lawful
Vorpal Blade long sword Neutral  
Snickersnee katana Lawful Samurai
Sunsword long sword Lawful  
Icebiter battle-axe Lawful   An axe in NetHack-- 3.0.10
Firebiter battle-axe Lawful   An axe in NetHack-- 3.0.10
Soultheif [sic] long sword Chaotic   Obtainable as per Excalibur
Equalizer long sword Neutral   Obtainable as per Excalibur
Kopkiller long sword Chaotic   Bonus against Kops
Deathsword long sword Chaotic   Bonus against humans
Fungisword long sword Neutral   Bonus against fungi
Liontamer bullwhip Lawful Archeologist Zookeeper in NetHack-- 3.0.10; bonus against felines
Dirk dagger Lawful   A separate "dirk" weapon in NetHack-- 3.0.10
Elfrist two-handed sword Chaotic   Bonus against elves
Firestar morning star Neutral   New in NetHack-- 3.1.3
Disruptor mace Lawful Priest Bonus against undead; new in NetHack-- 3.1.3
Cuthbert's Cudgel quarterstaff Neutral Priest Drains life; new in NetHack-- 3.1.3

Sting is reverted back to dealing bonus damage versus orcs, as opposed to spiders in NetHack-- 3.0.10.

Diplomat, Silencer, and Petslayer were removed.

The following are quest artifacts, and appear only if MULDGN is defined at compile time.

Name Object Alignment Role Notes
The Orb of Detection crystal ball Lawful Archeologist
The Heart of Ahriman luckstone Neutral Barbarian
The Sceptre of Might quarterstaff Lawful Caveman
The Palantir of Westernesse crystal ball Chaotic Elf
The Staff of Aesculapius quarterstaff Neutral Healer
The Magic Mirror of Merlin mirror Lawful Knight
The Mitre of Holiness helm of brilliance Lawful Priest
The Master Key of Thievery skeleton key Chaotic Rogue
The Tsurugi of Muramasa tsurugi Lawful Samurai
The Platinum Yendorian Express Card credit card Neutral Tourist If MULDGN and TOURIST defined at compile time
The Orb of Fate crystal ball Neutral Valkyrie
The Eye of the Aethiopica amulet of ESP Neutral Wizard


All amulets appear as ".

Amulets in NetHack-- 3.1.3 are:


Food items in NetHack-- 3.1.3 are:

Name Symbol Notes
tripe ration %
corpse %
egg %
apple %
orange %
pear %
melon %
banana %
carrot %
sprig of wolfsbane %
clove of garlic %
nameable fruit % if TUTTI_FRUTTI defined at compile time
slice of pizza % if TUTTI_FRUTTI not defined at compile time (not in default build)
lump of royal jelly %
cream pie %
candy bar %
cheese %
sandwich %
cake %
fortune cookie %
pancake %
doughnut %
lembas wafer %
cram ration %
food ration %
K-ration % if ARMY defined at compile time
C-ration % if ARMY defined at compile time
tin %


Weapons in NetHack-- 3.1.3 are:

Name Symbol Notes
arrow )
elven arrow )
orcish arrow )
silver arrow )
ya )
crossbow bolt )
dart )
shuriken )
boomerang )
spear )
elven spear )
orcish spear )
dwarvish spear )
javelin )
trident )
lance )
dagger )
elven dagger )
orcish dagger )
athame )
scalpel )
sharpened pencil ) ) in NetHack-- 3.0.10
knife )
stiletto )
worm tooth )
crysknife )
dwarvish mattock )
axe )
battle-axe )
short sword )
elven short sword )
orcish short sword )
dwarvish short sword )
scimitar )
silver saber )
broadsword )
elven broadsword )
long sword )
two-handed sword )
katana )
tsurugi )
runesword )
partisan )
ranseur )
spetum )
glaive )
halberd )
bardiche )
voulge )
fauchard )
guisarme )
bill-guisarme )
lucern hammer )
bec de corbin )
mace )
morning star )
war hammer )
club )
rubber hose ) if KOPS defined at compile time
quarterstaff )
aklys )
flail )
bullwhip )
bow )
elven bow )
orcish bow )
yumi )
sling )
crossbow )

The dirk is removed, and the artifact Dirk becomes a dagger.


Tools in NetHack-- 3.1.3 are:

Name Symbol Notes
large box (
chest (
ice box (
sack (
oilskin sack (
bag of holding (
bag of tricks (
skeleton key (
lock pick (
credit card ( If TOURIST defined at compile time
tallow candle (
wax candle (
brass lantern (
oil lamp (
magic lamp (
expensive camera ( If TOURIST defined at compile time
mirror (
crystal ball (
blindfold (
towel (
leash ( if WALKIES defined at compile time
stethoscope (
tinning kit (
tin opener (
can of grease (
figurine (
magic marker (
whistle (
magic whistle (
wooden flute (
magic flute (
tooled horn (
frost horn (
fire horn (
horn of plenty (
wooden harp (
magic harp (
bell (
bugle (
leather drum (
drum of earthquake (
pick-axe (
unicorn horn (
Candelabrum of Invocation (
Bell of Opening (

The land mine, jaw trap, sleep trap, and ugly backpack tools from NetHack-- 3.0.10 were removed. The land mine and jaw trap would later return, the latter under the name of bear trap.


Armor items in NetHack-- 3.1.3 are:

Name Symbol Notes
elven leather helm [
orcish helm [
dwarvish iron helm [
fedora [
dented pot [
helmet [ or [
helm of brilliance [ or [
helm of opposite alignment [ or [
helm of telepathy [ or [
gray dragon scale mail [
red dragon scale mail [
white dragon scale mail [
orange dragon scale mail [
black dragon scale mail [
blue dragon scale mail [
green dragon scale mail [
yellow dragon scale mail [
gray dragon scales [
red dragon scales [
white dragon scales [
orange dragon scales [
black dragon scales [
blue dragon scales [
green dragon scales [
yellow dragon scales [
plate mail [
crystal plate mail [
bronze plate mail [
splint mail [
banded mail [
dwarvish mithril-coat [
elven mithril-coat [
chain mail [
orcish chain mail [
scale mail [
studded leather armor [
ring mail [
orcish ring mail [
leather armor [
leather jacket [
mummy wrapping [
lab coat [
expensive suit [
elven cloak [ [ [ [
orcish cloak [ [ [ [
dwarvish cloak [ [ [ [
oilskin cloak [ [ [ [
cloak of protection [ [ [ [
cloak of invisibility [ [ [ [
cloak of magic resistance [ [ [ [
cloak of displacement [ [ [ [
small shield [
elven shield [
Uruk-hai shield [
orcish shield [
large shield [
dwarvish roundshield [
shield of reflection [
Hawaiian shirt [ if TOURIST defined at compile time
leather gloves [
gauntlets of fumbling [
gauntlets of power [
gauntlets of dexterity [
low boots [
iron shoes [
high boots [
speed boots [
water walking boots [
jumping boots [
elven boots [
fumble boots [
levitation boots [


Potions in NetHack-- 3.1.3 have randomized appearances (except for water), occurring as one of ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !. They are:

Holy and unholy water are now obtained by prayer.


All scrolls appear as ?.

Scrolls in NetHack-- 3.1.3 are:


Wands in NetHack-- 3.1.3 have randomized appearances, occurring as one of / / / / / /. They are:


Spellbooks in NetHack-- 3.1.3 have randomized appearances (except for blank paper and the Book of the Dead), occurring as one of + + + + + + + + + + + + + +. They are:

The spellbook of genocide was removed in NetHack 3.1.0, but is restored here.


Rings in NetHack-- 3.1.3 have randomized appearances, occurring as one of = = = = = = = = = = = =. They are:


Stones in NetHack-- 3.1.3 are:

Name Symbol Notes
dilithium crystal *
diamond *
ruby *
sapphire *
emerald *
turquoise stone * *
aquamarine stone * *
amber stone *
topaz stone *
opal stone *
garnet stone *
amethyst stone *
jasper stone *
fluorite stone * * * *
jade stone *
luckstone *
loadstone *
rock *

and worthless pieces of white, blue, red, yellowish brown, green, and violet glass.

The new gems added to NetHack-- 3.0.10 were not carried forward.

Other items

Other items not appearing in the above categories are:

Name Symbol Notes
gold piece $
boulder `
statue `
heavy iron ball 0
iron chain _

Blinding and acid venom (both .) are also listed as objects, but they only exist while in flight, or when a wizard mode wish requests them.